Club Rules
1) Power to co-opt as deemed appropriate shall be vested in all committees of the Club but such members shall not be entitled to vote.
Co-opted members may be non-Club members invited to advise on specialist subjects or undertake specified tasks on behalf of the Club.
2) Membership subscriptions will be payable before 30th April or a higher rate as set at the AGM will become due. Players will also be ineligible for selection until their membership is paid.3) Match fees will be payable before the start of each game unless the weather indicates the game will be in doubt.4) Monies collected should be paid to the Treasurer at the earliest opportunity.5) Captains shall be responsible for the conduct of their players during the game. Any reports of indiscipline shall be discussed by the committee and appropriate action taken as per the “Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines” (including if necessary suspension from playing for the club).6) Petrol money shall be paid when games are played outside of Thanet and the driver is asked by the captain to take other players to the game. Claims will be at the discretion of the individual depending on distances travelled.7) Players selected, must notify the relevant captain as soon as possible should they become unavailable.8) For home games players are asked to arrive at the ground at least 30 minutes before the game to assist with setting up. They are also expected to remain behind when the game has finished to assist with clearing up.
Bar Rules
1. The hours for opening the bar will be governed by the following limits: - Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. From 12:00 to 22:30.
(However on Match Days the Bar will shut before the Start of Play and will not re-open until the Captain is happy for it to).
- Weekdays From 18:00 to 22:30.
- The Bar is not open on Christmas Day and Good Friday. 2. All members shall vacate the premises within 30 minutes after the closing time specified on the sign indicated in paragraph 1 of this rule.3. The clubhouse shall not be used for the playing of any game of chance or other unlawful game.4. Any member over the age of 18 years shall be entitled to introduce guests to the club provided that no person whose application for membership has been declined or who has been expelled from the Club shall be introduced. Both the member and his guest shall sign the visitors book immediately on entering the premises. A guest may only be introduced to the Club on four occasions in any one financial year and is expected to submit an application for membership should further participation of the Club's facilities be required.NB.No guest shall be allowed to purchase intoxicating liquor in the clubhouse.No member under the age of 18 may introduce guests to the Club.No member shall be entitled to introduce more than two guests into the Club at anyone time.
5. All members of Clubs shall for the actual day on which such a club shall play at Westgate be regarded as temporary members of the Club and shall be entitled to all privileges of the Club, other than those of voting and introducing visitors to the Club.The above temporary members will be signed in the visitor’s book en-block, along with the Umpires and visiting scorers.6. A list of the names and addresses of all members of the Club shall be kept on the premises and produced on demand for inspection by a police officer in uniform. 7. The names and addresses of all guests and the name and address of the member signing them in shall be entered into a book maintained for that purpose, such a book to be kept on the premises and produced on demand for inspection by a police officer in uniform. 8. No intoxicating liquor shall be supplied for consumption off the premises except to a member in person.9. No person under the age of 18 years may be supplied with intoxicants for his own consumption or the consumption of any other person.10. At all times when intoxicating liquor is being supplied, the clubhouse shall be in control of the person on bar duty who shall ensure that the following procedures are strictly adhered to:-The times specified in rule 1 are observed. THIS IS REQUIRED BY LAW and amendment of the times is NOT at the discretion of the person on bar duty.
- The bar cash is properly accounted for and secured.
- The premises are properly secured and the burglar alarm system operative upon leaving at the end of the duty period.